Data Source
We fetch data directly from ledger canisters via the official Rosetta Node API provided by the DFINITY Foundation. This API allows us to access transaction and account details for both ICP and ICRC tokens, ensuring comprehensive coverage of transaction data. By leveraging the Rosetta API, we maintain compatibility with official standards and can reliably fetch up-to-date information from the blockchain.
Data Processing Workflow
Our data processing begins with periodic synchronization from the Rosetta Node API. Once fetched, the data is stored in high-performance databases optimized for handling large transaction volumes. These databases retain full transaction lists, account details, and other relevant information from ledger canisters.
Proprietary algorithms, primarily developed in Python, index these transactions and extract key insights. These algorithms normalize raw data, aggregate transactional information, and calculate advanced metrics. Continuous improvements to the algorithms help us maintain high levels of accuracy and provide valuable insights to our users.
Accuracy and Reliability
We estimate an overall accuracy of 97.1%, though occasional discrepancies may occur due to factors such as algorithmic glitches, server infrastructure issues, or external anomalies in the Rosetta Node API or blockchain data. To mitigate these risks, we conduct regular audits, monitor server performance, and maintain communication with DFINITY to address any API-related issues promptly.
Our databases are designed for high-speed querying and robust transaction storage, ensuring scalability as the Internet Computer ecosystem grows. With built-in redundancy data backups, we minimize the risk of data loss and maintain uninterrupted operations, even during infrastructure challenges.
While we strive to ensure the highest accuracy in our data and insights, occasional discrepancies may arise due to factors beyond our control. Users are encouraged to validate critical data independently and report inconsistencies for investigation.
Last updated